Will & Ebony

It’s been a while since sharing work on the blog here as my focus has been mostly on the studio for the last year or two. When your cousin asks you to photograph his wedding on a cliff edge, you have to share it somewhere.

The 29th of April, just north of Eyam in the Peak District. A small group of us made it up to Curbar Edge for Will and Ebonies intimate wedding ceremony.


My family go harder than yours.


Quite frankly I dont know where to start, well I do, and its thank you. Thank you to everyone that bought a print or 5. This spiralled out of control into something I never could have imagined. Ive had two sleepless nights replying to messages then followed by waves of anxiety. This has become bigger than I can honestly handle. Im just one guy and I’m uncomfortable with the spotlight being directed to me and my webstore. It was never about that and feel like even writing this post could look like a “wah poor guy getting so much attention”.

After the protests on Sunday, myself and Mano got home and developed the film I shot in my bathroom and knew there was something we had to do with the images. It was a fairly off the cuff thought, maybe sell a handful of prints and raise perhaps £2-300 for a good cause. We were so stoked at even the thought of that. But now we are heavily into the thousands. Like big time.

I feel like people see me as the registered charity, I’m not, the money coming in is literally coming into my personal bank account and I’m shitting my pants as to how to handle it. I want to be 100% transparent with every penny of this and will do my best to publish receipts for everything. Ive been a self employed freelancer for the last 4 years so I’ve no idea what my accountant is going to make of this. I don’t want people to see this donation and think “shit Felix donated THAT amount”, nah that was everyone.

I dont want credit for it. I just set up the infrastructure and I feel like me being a privileged white guy born in Surrey plays a big part of that. Which after taking a long hard look at myself this the whole reason this movement is happening.

I will be stopping orders when I hit 500 as I don’t have enough manpower or time to keep it going. With 500 orders this should be enough that with careful planning, and some help we will be able to do something really good with this money.

Im urging people to reach out with their comments and constructive criticism. This is a huge learning process for me and we still all have a long way to go. I am reading all the comments and messages I can across social media and all its shares where I can. The good, bad and the slanderous and taking it all on board constructively. The only way is up.

If you’re reading this once the prints are done, please put the money straight to SARI, go hire Mano HERE for your next creative endeavour and look at the links below. Thank you.



BLM Bristol

I don’t like the aspect of having to be the first to post something as breaking news, if you have seen what happened in Bristol yesterday I don’t already need to explain (if you haven’t, google it). The media painted the city as violent and dangerous. I was in the thick of it shoulder to shoulder with my friends of colour and I tell you now I’ve never felt safer. People were angry, but we were angry together fighting for the right side of history. I’m so overwhelmingly proud of my city for making global headlines this week, let’s carry this energy with us.

Ive got a lot of thoughts on what the world is going through right now as its a turbulent time for us all. Whats important is we fight the good fight and use out small platforms for good and awareness. Im working on something larger than just a blog post with links as I feel its the least I can do and Ill be updating where/when I can.

Please consider looking at the link below and donating where possible.
