Socially distanced ride.

My friends Josh, Dan and Connor have all been doing morning bike rides separately for the last few weeks so we thought why not get together and do it together one morning while it’s nice and quiet in town (all while keeping our respective distance from each other of course). I took my digital and my point and shoot with an old roll of FP4 loaded.


Today it’s my birthday. Im not one to care much for birthdays, this year I was supposed to be in Tokyo maybe chilling under some cherry blossoms with a beer or something. I just see it as something to aim for next year.

Instead I got off my ass and seized the morning on my bike again. I havent got anything else planned apart from doing my taxes and cracking into some cold ones I’ve been saving for today. Cheers.

The Barn - home studio

Being stuck in isn’t all bad, I’m thinking how to use space differently and managed to put together a pretty simple home studio setup that I’m pretty stoked with.
I could do with some more space, but it works well enough to get the job done.

For you nerds asking about the setup, I’ve got one Interfit EX150 parallel to the right shooting through the umbrella at half power for the softness (I know it should be a softbox, sue me) and a gold reflector clamped on the left to cut unwanted light/reflections and bounce some good warmth in.

Covid-19 Portrait project

It’s no secret we are currently living in some wild times. I’ve been doing my small slice of journalism by taking my camera out whenever I’m out doing the weekly shop or on my “Daily allocated exercise” while keeping social distancing measures in order. It’s important to document shit like this as we need to be able to look back on what we did right and what we did wrong to prevent this happening again. I’m not really too sure on what the final product of this will be or where it will end up, all I know is that it’s important to do at the moment.